Sunday, March 11, 2007

Lecture notes week 2


20th Century saw the development of mass society and explosion of broadcast media forms(newspapers, cinema, radio, t.v) where messages were distributed from centralised sources to audiences around the world. At the same time in the last decade, the rise of computers other NCT's have spawned new areas of investigation.
  • New media studies
  • Cyberstudies
  • Internet Studies
  • The academic studies started in France about 100 years ago.

1900 Semiotics - Ferdinand de Saussure

  • Studies the role of signs as part of social life
  • Signs are signified
  • Denotation (literal account) - Connotation (cultural associations)
  • Syntactics - The formal or structural relations between signs
  • Pragmatics - The relation of signs to interpreters

1920's Bullet (inoculation) theory = Maximum effects

1930 Application of Statistical Method

1940 Minimum Effects

The resistance of U.S soldiers to Nazi propaganda and Lazarsfield's studies.

1950's Looking for effects - connects to psychology

1960's Marshall Mcluhan

Understanding Media (1964)- Focuses the effects of media in society.

1970's Mixed Effects

'George Gerbner' and Larry Gross 'cultivation hypothesis' identified the public perception on crime by the way it was reported and conveyed.

Film Review "La Jete'e de Orly 1962

Film using photos, transitions, voice over and music only. A look into early techniques to film.

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