Sunday, May 27, 2007

Week 12 Lec Notes

Electronic/Free Software
-Political economy, Ideas, copyright

Practical reasons - being against big companies having monopolies over software and computer systems.

Free Software Proprietary Software

Open source - The code is available The Source is locked. You cannot modify or
to people who wish to modify the software. fix problems.

Movement started by Richard Stallman Spyware - included
"Copyleft" - (concept of free software).

Users are able to improve software.

Richard Stallman

Founding father of "free software". Open source software is called (GNU) - General Public License - protecting people who invest time into making really good programs that are not sold for commercial gain - (Legal binding contract that controls the use of free and open source software).

Microsoft - View was "Proprietary Software" was the best way to make profit.

Alternative Software

MSN Messenger - (aMSN or Pidgin)
Photoshop - (GIMP)
Mozilla Firefox - (Alternative to I.E)
Microsoft Office - (Open Office)

GNU/LINUX - Operating system based on (unix os) is a completely alternative to Microsoft Windows or Mac OS.

The Creative Commons

People taken the ideas of "Copyleft" and have applied it to areas called "Creative Commons".

The basic idea of open source then applies to (music), writing (webpage text). If you want to work free from 'copyright' but still be subject to legal protection of some of your rights as the original creator - You can apply the 'creative commons' license to things you create.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation

Founded in 1990, defining free speech, privacy innovation and consumer rights today. EFF has championed the public interest in every critical battle effecting digital rights. EFF has no restrictions by government and corporate issues and along with Creative Commons are a non-profit organisation.

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